DUDDING Robin James
Traffic Officer, Ministry of Transport, New Zealand

George Medal
Gazetted 11 Septemebr 1987, p11343
On 7th April 1986 Traffic Officer Robin Dudding was on duty at Moose Lodge, near Rotorua, to ensure free passage for the Prime Minister of
Singapore's motorcade when it left the Lodge for Rotorua. He waved down an oncoming truck and when it stopped a youth armed with a shotgun
stepped out. The offender, who had held up a store in Rotoiti and commandeered several vehicles, forced Traffic Officer Dudding into his Ministry of
Transport vehicle and then fired two shots at a police constable also on duty at Moose Lodge. The two set off for Rotorua, Traffic Officer Dudding
driving and the offender in the back seat. Almost certainly Traffic Officer Dudding made for Lake Rotorua in an attempt to buy time and to prevent the
offender from reaching Rotorua. He stopped at the lake and was shot. Before being shot Traffic Officer Dudding had attempted to disarm the
offender. Traffic Officer Dudding displayed outstanding bravery.

George Medal

Died 7 April 1986 Rotorua, New Zealand