CAMERON Frederick
13/648, Major, New Zealand Medical Corps, WW1
Distinguished Service Order
Gazetted 1 January 1918, p29
Gallant conduct and attention to duty under shell-fire. During the months of April and May 1917 working at the Advanced Dressing Station at Khandahar Farm, he constructed Regimental Aid Posts in most exposed positions under heavy shell-fire. He worked night and day for two months organising the working parties and completing the preparations before the battle of Messines. Due to his continued bravery and energy he assisted very greatly to the successful evacuation of wounded before and during the battle of Messines.
Mention in Despatches
Gazetted 28 December 1917, p13576
Mentioned in Field Marshal D. Haig’s despatch of 7 November 1917 for distinguished and gallant service and devotion to duty during the period 26 February to midnight 20/21 September 1917.
Distinguished Service Order
1914-15 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Mention in Despatches
Gallipoli Medallion
Gallipoli Lapel Badge
Born 17 February 1894, Palmerston, New Zealand
Died 4 April 1973 Palmerston North, New Zealand
Cremated at Kelvin Grove Cemetery & Crematorium, Palmerston North